A Message From Andy


While most of our series are safe for those who don’t consider themselves religious, WHO NEEDS GOD was specifically designed with irreligious people in mind. If you’ve been waiting for the perfect chance to invite that skeptical friend or neighbor, the time has come! Included below are multiple ways to share this information.


Social Images

  1. Download one of the images below.
  2. Write a caption that includes the url WhoNeedsGod.com or use one of the suggestions below.
  3. Post the photo with a caption to the social media channel of your choice!

Social Videos

Teaser Trailer

Teaser w/ message from Andy

Social Suggestions

Paired with an image or video from above, below are some suggested captions you could use.
Each one has been tailored for each social media channel with character count and general culture in mind.



Who needs God? Perhaps nobody. Perhaps everybody.
I’m inviting you to join me at my church on August 14 for a message that will help answer this question. #whoneedsgod
More info at WhoNeedsGod.com (link in bio).


Who needs God? Perhaps nobody. Perhaps everybody. 
My church has a new series kicking off on August 14 designed to help answer this question, and I’d love for you to join me!
More info at WhoNeedsGod.com


Who needs God? Nobody? Everybody?
Join me on Aug 14 for a message that will help answer this question. #whoneedsgod



Spark a conversation by using these backgrounds for your computer or mobile device.

